Hey folks! Check out this podcast with UNC Department of Medicine’s Chair, Dr. Falk. He interviews six prominent HIV researchers at UNC who are doing groundbreaking work to curb the epidemic. http://go.unc.edu/hiv-matters-podcast The series features: Christopher Hurt talking … Continued
9 HIV Cure Myths Debunked A few months ago, a man living with HIV reached out to the 2BeatHIV project to learn more about HIV and HIV cure research. The 2BeatHIV project is a research project at UNC Chapel Hill … Continued
Last year, we interviewed Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the Director of the NIH National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease, at the “Towards an HIV Cure Symposium” as a part of the International AIDS Society Meeting in Durban, South … Continued
The NIH Strategies for an HIV Cure Symposium in Bethesda, MD from November 14-16, 2016 marks the inaugural organizational meeting for six research sites that were awarded funding by the NIH to be a part of the Martin Delaney Collaboratory … Continued
Join Us for the 2nd Annual HIV Cure Research Day on December 14! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Kimberly Knight Kmk0705@ad.unc.edu Allison Mathews amathews@email.unc.edu DURHAM, NC — The Durham County Board of Commissioners and the state of North … Continued
Focus of Community Engagement Address ethics of asking HIV positive men and women about their willingness to participate in HIV cure clinical trials Ensure participants understand the risks involved with participating in HIV cure clinical trials Address expectations of being … Continued
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Peter Hunt on the immunology of HIV and Dr. Steven Deeks explores if an HIV cure is achievable. Series: “UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine presents Mini Medical School for the Public” [7/2013] [Health and Medicine] [Show … Continued
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Explore the current state of global HIV/AIDS. Panelists discuss what progress has been made in fighting this global epidemic, how research findings are being translated into improved clinical outcomes, and how the Bay Area research community is working … Continued